Has Germany kept its commitment to shut down its power plants?


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Has Germany kept its commitment to phase out nuclear power? “This is about to be held, informs Laurent Desbonnets, journalist France Televisions, in duplex from Berlin (Germany) for France 2, Wednesday March 10. The last German plants are due to close before the end of next year, and we regularly see pictures of demolition of cooling towers here. ”

Operation of coal-fired power stations

Nuclear power does not represent “more than 11% of the electricity produced in Germany”, adds the journalist, against 22% ten years ago. Renewables, and wind power in particular, have made it possible to compensate, but not only. “Germany continues to operate massive mines and highly polluting coal-fired power stations, indicates Laurent Desbonnets. Coal is still over 35% of the electricity here.“A very different strategy from France therefore, “where only the Feissenheim (Haut-Rhin) power station was closed” and or “more than 70% of electricity still comes from nuclear”, concludes the journalist.

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