UK News

COVID-19: UK records 48,553 new coronavirus cases and 63 additional deaths | UK News

The UK has recorded 48,553 cases of COVID and 63 more deaths in the last 24-hour period.

The number of infections is up from yesterday when 42,302 more were announced, with 49 deaths.

Seven days ago there was 32,551 cases and 35 deaths.

60,374 other first vaccinations were administered yesterday, as well as 185,661 seconds.

More than two-thirds of adults are now double-pricked, said the Secretary of Health.

Hundreds of thousands of people are being urged to advance their second dose of the vaccine, to try to protect as many people as possible before restrictions are relaxed in England on Monday.

SMS will be sent to 650,000 people telling them that they should make sure that their second appointment for the vaccine is not more than eight weeks after the first.

During this time, more than half a million people in England were ping by the NHS Test and Trace app in a week – the highest figure recorded.

A total of 520,194 alerts were sent to NHS users COVID-19[female[feminine app in the week leading up to July 7, telling them that they had been in close contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus and to isolate oneself.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-15 13:18:00

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