UK News

Channel crossings for migrants: UK and France reach £ 54million immigration deal | United Kingdom | New UK News

Interior Minister Priti Patel and French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin sealed the deal to crack down on illegal crossings. More than 8,000 migrants have made the dangerous journey so far this year.

The number of crossings has increased in recent days as temperatures soar in the UK and Europe.

On Monday, at least 430 people, including women and young children, made the trip, a new record for a single day.

Earlier today, several rubber dinghies, mostly carrying young men, were seen arriving on the coasts of Dungeness and Dover.

The new agreement with the French border police will double the number of police patrolling French beaches.

Mrs Patel said the British were “fed up with illegal migration and the exploitation of migrants by criminal gangs”.

As part of the new package, French officers will patrol larger areas of the coastline on the north coast between Boulogne and Dunkirk and the patrols will be extended further north-west around Dieppe.

Coverage via surveillance technology of the French coasts must also be improved and investments in infrastructure must increase in an attempt to strengthen border security at the main border crossing points along the Channel coast.

This is news in development, more to follow.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-20 20:01:00

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