UK News

Aldi announces heartwarming gesture to UK stores during school holidays UK News

Aldi has announced that he will donate more than one million meals to children in need throughout the summer holidays to support UK charities.

The supermarket chain will partner with local charities, community groups and food banks to donate surplus food with more than 700,000 meals for causes that support vulnerable children.

The donation is part of Aldi’s commitment to donate 10 million meals across the country in 2021, in partnership with community donation platform Neighbourly.

Mary Dunn, Managing Director of Corporate Responsibility at Aldi UK, said: “We are proud to support so many amazing causes across the country, helping them give meals to those in need this summer.

“School vacations can be a difficult time for families, especially when many are experiencing increased financial hardship due to the pandemic, and that is why we are committed to doing what we can to provide more meals than ever before. . ”

Steve Butterworth, Neighbourly, added: “The summer school break is always one of the busiest times for charities and food banks across the country, but this year we expect things to be. even more loaded. Aldi’s donations have never been such a vital support for these organizations.

Aldi stores across the country are working with Neighborly to partner with local charities, which can collect surplus food and perishables, such as fruits, vegetables and baked goods, for up to seven days. per week.

The German retailer operated stores across the UK and has previously partnered with Manchester United and England star Marcus Rashford to highlight child poverty.

To help solve the problem, Aldi has pledged to donate 10 million meals to underprivileged families in 2021.

And to raise awareness and encourage people to tackle it, the UK’s fifth largest supermarket has released a heartbreaking animation that ‘personifies hunger through the eyes of a child’.

The poignant film saw a young child’s relationship with “hunger” in a poem by Giles Andreae.

Rashford told the moving poem, as acclaimed illustrator Lisa Stickley brings the story to life through accompanying animation.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-22 06:00:00

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