
Kill the Bill Brighton protest organized for this weekend Brighton News

ANOTHER Kill The Bill protest will take place this weekend.

People are expected to rally at Brighton level on Saturday at 1 p.m. to oppose the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill.

Kill The Bill protests in the city have resulted in delays in travel services over the past weekends.

Another Kill The Bill protest is set to take place in Brighton this weekend

Another Kill The Bill protest is set to take place in Brighton this weekend

Earlier this month, protesters accompanied by a samba band interrupted traffic downtown at the clock tower.

An Amnesty Brighton spokesperson said: “The bill gives police the power to ban protests, even those of one person, if the ‘noise is seriously disruptive’, if the noise can have a ‘significant impact on people nearby’ or if it ’causes serious inconvenience’.

Another Kill The Bill protest is set to take place in Brighton this weekend

Another Kill The Bill protest is set to take place in Brighton this weekend

“The implications for striking and picketing workers are clear, picketing is supposed to be boring and disruptive… for bosses.

“What constitutes’ serious disruption ‘can be determined by Home Secretary Priti Patel without reference to the courts – she who criticized the’ terrible ‘Black Lives Matter protesters, who called XR activists’ hooligans and thugs’.

The controversial bill seeks to increase the maximum penalty for criminal damage from less than £ 5,000 at a memorial from three months to ten years in prison, the same maximum penalty for non-sexual child abuse.

It would also give police additional powers to restrict protests by imposing start and end times and setting noise limits.

These limitations could apply to a protest involving a single person.

Last weekend’s protest follows weeks of action, which have seen support dwindle since the first protest last month, in which thousands are believed to have participated.

Protesters attempted to ‘storm’ the mall, but were quickly stopped by liaison officers

A similar scene occurred soon after at Brighton Palace Pier, where Sussex Police officers formed a line to prevent protesters from accessing the building.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-26 11:06:23