
The greatest motor racing dynasties of all time Car News

Getting into the family business can often be a stressful and fracturing decision, but for some, it’s the most natural thing in the world to follow in the footsteps of a parent or sibling.

This is as true in motorsport as it is anywhere else, and over the decades many instances of close relationships have hit circuits and stages. However, some families take it more seriously than others, with generations of runners more or less born with a shuttlecock in their hands. Some have been more successful than others, with family trophy cabinets groaning under the weight of silverware, while others have struggled to make their mark, this time under the weight of waiting.

So what are the greatest dynasties? Well, we’ve focused on four-wheeled motorsport for this list (apologies to Dunlop and Marquez fans), so here are our top ten picks.


If the United States abandoned their republic and founded a monarchy, it is highly likely that the Andrettis would be its royal family. Mario and his son Michael would undoubtedly be his king and prince regent, having won five Indycar titles and a Formula 1 world championship between them from the end of the 60s to 2007. They even climbed a podium at Le Mans by sharing a Porsche 962 in 1983., then finished the same race sixth in 1988, this time with the addition of Michael’s brother, and fellow Indycar, Jeff, as co-driver.

Early in Mario’s career, he also raced against his twin brother Aldo, whose sons Adam and John also went into the family business, the latter winning victories in NASCAR, Indycar and sports cars. There is now a third generation of Andrettis, Michael’s son Marco having already racked up two wins and twenty podiums in Indycar since his debut in 2006, while John Jarett’s son plies his trade in the car series of IMSA sport.


When Jack Brabham moved from Australia to the UK in 1955, he started a dynasty of motor racing that continues to this day. Jack’s accomplishments are well documented, but it’s always worth repeating that not only did he win the F1 world title three times, but his last championship was achieved behind the wheel of a car made by his team and wearing his own name – the first, and currently the only this has been achieved.

Despite this, he found the time to have three sons – Geoff, Gary and David. Geoff focused on America, competing in Indy Cars and then winning four straight IMSA GT sports car titles with Nissan between 1988 and 1991. Younger brother Gary was British F3000 champion in 1989 and won the Sebring 12 hours three years later. David was no slouch either, with F1 spells on either side of his British F3 title and 2009 Le Mans victory with Peugeot.

The racing legacy continues with Geoff’s son Matthew, who raced in Indycar and is a two-time Stadium Truck champion in the United States. David’s son Sam competed in the UK Porsche Carrera Cup and can claim an even stronger dose of racing DNA as his mother is the sister of Kiwi Mike Thackwell, sometimes F1 driver and 1982 F2 champion.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-05 23:01:24