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Scientists in search of the ‘holy grail’ of energy begin to dig the earth’s crust to power the Eden Project | Climate News

Engineers have started drilling three miles into the earth’s crust in search of 24-hour sustainable energy for the world-famous Eden Project.

The 450-ton platform hammers the Cornish granite to reach the hot rocks that form a thorn along the southwestern peninsula.

Studies suggest that the water pumped from the borehole and returned to the surface could reach 180 ° C, enough to heat the dome-shaped glass biomes of exotic plants – and drive a 4-megawatt steam turbine to produce all the electricity the site needs.

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Eden Project looks at geothermal energy

The surplus could also heat 4,000 local homes.

Sir Tim Smit, co-founder of the Eden Project, told Sky News: “This is going to provide a base load, which is the holy grail of energy.

“The argument of those who were anti-renewables was” when the wind isn’t blowing, and when the sun isn’t shining, you have a problem. “

“Now you haven’t – it will provide you with energy 24/7, whenever you want, to replace all other energy sources, so it’s a wonderful triumvirate. of energy sources.

Geothermal energy could be harnessed in large areas of the UK, north and south.

the Eden project in Cornwall as drilling begins there as part of a geothermal energy production project.
The Eden project in Cornwall, at the time of drilling, begins. This project is part of a geothermal energy production program in the United Kingdom

The rocks are hot enough in some areas to produce about 9.5 gigawatts (GW) of electricity in steam turbines. This represents 20% of the UK’s total demand.

Elsewhere, even slightly cooler rocks could provide 100 GW of power – enough to theoretically heat every home and business in the country.

But the Eden program has cost £ 17million so far, an initial cost that has held back the industry in the UK.

Alok Sharma, President of the COP26 Glasgow Climate Conference, was presented around the factory.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-19 15:17:00