UK News

Bellicose China Warns Royal Navy Task Force to Stay Out of Its “Waters” United Kingdom | New UK News

The £ 3 billion HMS Queen Elizabeth, which leads the British carrier strike group, plans to conduct legal freedom of navigation operations in international waters. He comes as the UK strengthens its presence in East Asia to support its regional partners. The Defense Ministry insists that the carrier uses the most direct and legitimate route to participate in the exercises.

The strike group is on a world tour in the greatest spectacle of British naval power in generations.

But Beijing, which claims almost all of the South China Sea and its territory, has warned the UK against “provocation” and repeated threats to “expel” British warships from parts of the world. .

Hu Xijin, editor of the state newspaper Global Times, said, “US ships have repeatedly entered the 12 nautical mile limit of Chinese islets, and China has exercised maximum restraint. But that does not mean that we will tolerate such provocations for long, and it certainly does not mean that the allies of the United States can emulate Washington’s dangerous acts.

“To put it specifically, if the UK wants to play the role of coercing China into the South China Sea, then it’s a bitch. If he has substantial movement, he asks for a beating. “

Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said China respects freedom of navigation, but “should never try to destabilize regional peace.”

He added, “The Chinese Navy will take all necessary measures to countermeasure such behavior. “

The warships of the United States and the Royal Navy recently challenged China’s claims to sovereignty over the South China Sea by deliberately sailing there.

After crossing the South China Sea, the British Strike Group will participate in Exercise Bersama Gold with Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-31 12:56:02

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