
Electric Scooters: 10 Reasons You SHOULD Buy One Car News

Electric Scooters: 10 Reasons You SHOULD Buy One

Electric Scooters: 10 Reasons You SHOULD Buy One

Work better, feel better, eat better … live better. Are you an electric scooter far from greater happiness?

Throughout history, humanity has evolved and prospered by asking itself the biggest questions. How to make a fire? What’s on that island over there? How about we stay here for a while and grow crops? Why do apples fall from trees?

Now comes another zinger: should I buy an electric scooter? As with all great questions in life, even in this age of circular social media certainty that ours is the only real vision, common sense demands that we examine both sides of the debate. Here in articles on bickering twins, Move Electric’s Gary Parkinson takes a look at the pros and cons.

Remember, Jedi, your decision is still up to you – but if you want the big picture, be sure to also read our article Electric Scooters: 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy One, and Take It. a special note of the legalities to use one on public land.

10 reasons to buy an electric scooter

There are many reasons for joining revolutions. Below are some of the strongest cases to join the caravanserai of electric scooters. Whether you nod your head enthusiastically or tear up every point is up to you.

1. They are green

Not like in color – although some are, like the very verdant Lime electric scooters available for hire in London and Milton Keynes. No, the big idea with electric scooters is that they push us to get out of our gas guzzling cars and strangle the planet and get out into the open, powered by that “electricity” that gets everyone so excited.

The International Energy Agency notes that 24% of carbon emissions come from transportation, so we should all be doing what we can to address it. Lime CEO Wayne Ting says, “The average scooter or e-bike ride is less than 5% of the carbon footprint of a car ride. No bad thing.

2. They are fun

Do you remember the fun? In these times of plague, economic uncertainty, and hectic conversation, it can be hard to remember a time when we did things that brought joy (and no, we’re not including the folding of the laundry).

But jumping aboard an electric scooter, pressing the “Go” button and whistling with the wind in your hair is an instant joie de vivre, a small victory over everyday life, two fingers of challenge in the face of misery. The worries of the working world evaporate as you move nimbly to your destination, an accelerated escape bubble in which zoom is replaced by zoom. And frankly we are all for that.

3. They are faster than walking

Now, it might sound like a combination of barrel scraping and obviousness, but that’s the whole point of the electric scooter. Granted, some early adopters might wish to appear on the cutting edge or stand out (literally) from the crowd, perhaps with an artfully sculpted trendy hairstyle. But for most of us, we’re trying to get somewhere, and the e-scooter’s adaptability is its biggest selling point.

Even at the 15.5mph limit imposed by the current government rental tests, it’s something like four times the speed of Shanks’ pony, unless you’re doing all that Olympic walking with your elbows and hips. – and even these guys averaged just 7.7 mph, according to the American Journal of Sports Medicine (which you imagine would know).

4. They make you rather exotic

You may or may not want to appear European, and we can’t comment on that (see: ‘conversationalist’, ‘circular social media certainty’), but how about to be a little Californian? People on the mainland and the west have been looking at these things for years, and it cannot be denied that electric scooters add a thrill of excitement to the lives of others. To see! This scooter moves without this person making the slightest effort!

You can reduce passers-by to an elementary level of plane pointing wonder – and perhaps, for bonus points, some deep breaths – as you pass your 21st century horseless carriage. There is a reason why “pedestrian” is a derogatory adjective.

5. Explore your surroundings

We don’t know where you live or work – but you? Have you explored its every nook and cranny? Maybe there’s a park you didn’t know existed, or a cafe where a handsome barista makes the kind of cappuccino that could make a monk give up his vows.

The thing is, we all adopt little rat-runs: shortcuts from the train station to the workplace, logistics coils that save us time but cost us our soul. With more mph at your fingertips, how wonderful it is to have time to dive into a new corner, look up and savor a new experience.

6. Ease of use

Electric scooters are the simplest form of urban transport. Okay, except maybe walking, for which most people already have the necessary equipment installed, but, as we said before, it’s slow. Bikes are a closer comparison, but bikes are bulky – especially expensive ones that fold up into a small art …

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This notice was published: 2021-07-28 23:01:24

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