
A cordial agreement with France is announced – once Macron leaves Business

British Chinook helicopters transport French troops in jihadist wars in the Sahel. The two countries defend their respective interests in the Pacific. They are jointly working on nuclear warheads.

The Franco-British Rapid Reaction Force (CJEF) reached its full capacity at the end of last year, capable of deploying 10,000 men on land, sea and air, anywhere in combat operations. France does not have such a close agreement with any other country. The Franco-German brigade is above all a creation of paper.

This military deal was started at Lancaster House in 2010 by David Cameron and Nicholas Sarkozy, which in turn dates back to how the two armies worked together in Bosnia. “It was not the Americans who ended the siege of Sarajevo: it was the British and the French on the ground,” said Charles Grant of the Center for European Reform.

Mr. Macron’s pietist speeches on a “European army”, and a European defense union at the level of monetary union, are strangely detached from reality. Such a capacity does not exist. The Germans are known to be “believers but not participants”. Most eurozone countries cut defense budgets to the bone in the mid-2010s in order to comply with the austerity rules imposed by the EU.

Mr. Macron should not be confused with France either. He made his way to power by ideologically camouflaging himself – President Burglar (burglar president) is the title of Corinne Lhaïk’s biography. His euro-imperialist plan – his finance minister openly proposes a “European empire” to counter the United States – is not shared by the French nation.

The Eurosceptic-flavored parties won half of the votes in the first round of the 2017 presidential election. sovereignist feelings are as deep in France as in Great Britain.

Germanophobia is still escalating and has spread in an extraordinary article by Marine Le Pen, presidential candidate and leader of the National Rally (National Front), proposing a strategic break with Germany and an alliance with Great Britain and America. It is a dropper coming from a political figure who has long lambasted NATO and is attached to the world view of Vladimir Putin.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-04 17:24:34

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