
Risk of diesel rationing linked to Russian oil ban Business

The International Energy Agency has outlined ways for consumers to reduce demand for oil as Russian supplies are cut, including reducing speed limits and working from home.

However, the government said last week it had no intention of adopting the measures in Britain, arguing ‘there is absolutely no need to apply these guidelines in the UK’ .

“We have no gas or oil supply problems, and unlike Europe, we are not dependent on Russian energy imports,” he said on Friday.

The number of diesel cars on UK roads more than doubled to 18.9 million between 2001 and 2018.

Meanwhile, refinery closures have made the UK more dependent on imports.

Around 60% of UK diesel was imported in 2018, up from 16% in 2005, according to government figures.

The UK Petroleum Industry Association, which represents refiners and service stations, said global markets have “historically been able to adapt to secure supplies and we expect that to be the case again this year. “.

A spokesman added last week: “Fuel suppliers are working with the government to provide the fuels the UK needs, while reorganizing the supply of Russian crude oil and petroleum products to alternative sources in accordance to UK sanctions law.”

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This notice was published: 2022-03-22 18:03:40

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