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Woman’s surprise as £600 ‘purebred French bulldog’ puppy becomes a different breed | United Kingdom | News UK News

Bethany Cupples, from Huddersfield in Yorkshire, bought a ‘purebred French bulldog’ puppy for £600 on Gumtree, but as the dog got older she realized it was a different breed. Although the pup isn’t a purebred French Bulldog as expected, the woman admitted she ‘wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world’.

The woman admitted she was “very surprised” when she picked up the pup in May 2020 as she thought she had found a good deal.

The dog was five weeks old at the time and was found in a pet advertisement on Gumtree.

Bethany Cupples said at the time of collection she realized something was wrong, but admitted she “immediately fell in love” with the animal.

The puppy was a birthday present for his mom.

As the animal grew, it became clear that the puppy was not a purebred French Bulldog.

The dog, Luna, has much longer hair than an average French Bulldog and she also has a tiled muzzle.

When she realized something was wrong, Bethany took Luna to the vet, who confirmed the animal was not a purebred French Bulldog but a “Frorkie”, a mix between a French bulldog and a Yorkshire terrier.

Referring to the ad, Bethany thinks it must have been an honest mistake, as the animals she saw while collecting Luna were extremely well cared for.

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The video of Luna’s transformation immediately went viral and gained over 3.3 million views.

Speaking to LadBible, Bethany said: “No matter the breed or the price, we welcomed her into our family with open arms.

“She made our family whole and we wouldn’t change her for the world, she has the most amazing personality and is a fun person.”

Despite the initial confusion, the animal is fit and healthy and Bethany said she and her family couldn’t be happier with Luna.

More about this article: Read More
This notice was published: 2022-04-27 23:07:00

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