
Meet your new favourite motorsport: pick-up truck racing Car News

You can tell which engine a pick-up is running by its grille.

A season costs around £20,000 (luckily the pick-ups’ sides lend themselves well to sponsorship).

The pick-up is extra (around £25,000), but there’s strong demand, so if a team quits, it can be sold on.

Howard made the pick-ups – around 40 of them – years ago and won’t build any more. A few have been written off, but most are still going. 

Mechanics swap a rear axle on a pick-up racer

All the drivers look handy and a few boast impressive CVs.

They include former BTCC driver Matt Simpson, 2009 World Banger Racing champion Paul Tompkins (handy if the bumping gets serious) and Mark Willis, a Eurocars veteran who says his rivals are seriously underrated and reckons the series is the most professionally run of them all. Past entrants include BTCC luminaries such as Paul Radisich.

The first two races are 20 laps, while the final is 25.

To keep the racing tight, the positions of the top six finishers are reversed for the next race, which leads to close racing through the field.

Tailgating provides what the drivers call a ‘bump draught’, useful for pulling you along. Nip out to overtake, though, and you risk a ‘side draught’ which, they say, is like hitting the brakes.

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This notice was published: 2023-12-28 07:01:45

By Auto Car

Coach is a weekly British motoring magazine published by Haymarket Media Group. First published in 1895, it bills itself as "the world's oldest automotive magazine."

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