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Furious ex-Top Gear host demands drivers over 70 are retested every three years | UK | News UK News

Ex-Top Gear presenter Steve Berry says that motorists over the age of 70 should be retested every three years.

Berry made the comments after concerns about safety on UK roads have surged as the amount of elderly drivers has rocketed.

Top motoring defence lawyer Nick Freeman – also known as Mr Loophole for his ability to get his clients off on legal technicalities – also gave his thoughts in the debate which aired on GB News.

Speaking on GB News, Freeman said that elderly drivers should have their vision and reaction times tested once they reach 70.

Freeman said: “My view is very simple. From the age of 70, there needs to be a mandatory eye test and a mandatory medical test because it’s not just about vision, it’s also about reaction time.

“I would have that every two or three years. You have to see a doctor for a nominal fee and depending upon how you perform, you continue to drive.”

He added that the current system “just doesn’t make sense” and is “inadequate.”

Berry agreed with Freeman – but was more severe in his judgements saying he would “perhaps go a bit further”.

He said: “We just send off some a small amount of money and get a license. I think we should have a retest every 10 years. And I think after 70 you should have one every three years.”

Data has revealed there’s been a massive surge in the number of people contacting the DVLA worried about a driver’s ability behind the wheel.

And earlier this year elderly motorists were urged to take extra driving lessons to improve road safety skills as experts call for new testing rules.

Seb Goldin, CEO of RED Driver Training suggested refresher courses could help older motorists to brush up on training.

Goldin said: “The conversation around the safety of older drivers on our roads and whether they should be retested at a certain age continues to rumble on.

“It’s a conversation with multiple layers of emotion that risks grouping a significant proportion of the UK’s drivers in a category that is deeming them unfit – and that’s certainly not what we want to do.

“But we do need to prioritise safety on our roads at all times.”

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This notice was published: 2024-01-02 18:46:00

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