
Brighton: People looking for love would rather their partner had a cat Brighton News

Kitty Bingo carried out research to reveal which animals people would like their future or current partner to own and cats came out tops

Brighton was revealed as the only UK city to prefer cats over dogs, with 41 per cent choosing moggies and 30 per cent picking dogs.

Kitty Bingo found cat owners are more likely to secure a date and mentioning their feline companion in conversation or adding in a photo on their dating profile may be considered a green flag.

While cats and dogs came in as the top pets to own, other animals included hamsters (15 per cent), fish (15 per cent) and rabbits (11 per cent).

The top five pets which are considered a green flag by a partner/love interest:

Cat – 41 per cent

Dog – 30 per cent

Hamster – 15 per cent

Fish – 15 per cent

Rabbit – 11 per cent

Less favoured animals in Brighton, in terms of which pets people would not want their partner to own, include reptiles such as lizards and rodents such as rats and gerbils.

Pets that are most likely to put a partner off:







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This notice was published: 2024-01-04 05:00:00

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