
Sussex primary school places deadline is fast approaching Brighton News

East Sussex County Council has told parents not to delay and to apply now for primary school places for their youngsters.

The application process for children due to start school in September 2024 closes later this month.

Although parents and carers cannot choose their child’s school, they can state a preference for up to three schools ahead of the application deadline.

“It is really important parents and carers submit their application on time,” said Councillor Bob Standley, East Sussex County Council’s lead member for education.

“Every year there are families whose children would have secured a place at their preferred school, if it were not for the fact that their application missed the deadline.

“Last year over 92 per cent of children in the county were given a place at their first preference school.

“With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas and new year period, it is likely many still have their applications to complete.”

The deadlines for primary school applications is Monday, January 15, and is the same for Brighton and Hove City Council, East and West Sussex County Council.

Parents and carers will be notified of their child’s school place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

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This notice was published: 2024-01-04 05:00:00

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