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Farmer ‘bribed’ with strip club visit ‘to have wind turbine on land’ | UK | News UK News

A farmer was “bribed” with a visit to a strip club if he agreed to having a wind turbine on his land, it has been claimed.

The meeting minutes from a Nelson Community Council gathering, near Caerphilly, South Wales, report one resident was offered money and a night out at a lap dancing club.

Major green energy companies are trying to persuade landowners across Britain to sign up for wind generators and pylons by offering them financial incentives.

The minutes of the meeting, to discuss controversial new power installations, state: “A local resident was offered cash and a night out at a lap dancing club.”

The Scotland based Bute Energy denied the lap dance allegation, calling it an “absurd” suggestion.

The alleged lap dancing offer was made in the historic village of Llanfabon.

Racehorse trainer Graham Richards, 72, who has lived in Llanfabon for 40 years, said: “A lapdance in exchange for a wind turbine? The mind boggles. I’ve even heard talk of prostitutes being brought here.”

“It’s got to the point where I don’t trust anyone anymore, not the energy company, the Welsh Government or the council.”

Bute Energy fiercely denied that any landowner had been offered a trip to a lap dancing club as an inducement.

A spokesman said: “This is an unsubstantiated and absurd allegation. None of our team behave in this way.”

“We are solely focussed and dedicated to the work we are doing to deliver much needed clean, green energy for Wales.”

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This notice was published: 2024-01-08 19:49:00

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