UK News

Cruise ship heading for Britain rocked by violent storm leaving 100 injured | UK | News UK News

Around 100 people have been injured after a horror storm caused a cruise to veer to its side.

A Saga cruise ship which was headed back to the UK was hit by devastating winds and 30ft waves as a nightmarish storm caused 100 people to sustain injuries on Saturday.

The cruise ship Spirit of Discovery departed Britain on October 24 for a two-week holiday in the Canary islands but following the dangerous weather, it was forced to turn back this Saturday.

The ship’s crew took the decision to return to the UK when the ship’s propulsion safety system was activated in the poor weather causing it to veer suddenly to the left, bringing the vessel to a sudden halt.

This led to 100 of the 1,000 guests on board being hurt with the “vast majority” suffering minor injuries although five needed treatment for more serious injuries in the ship’s medical facilities, according to Saga Cruises.

The Spirit of Discovery arrived back at Portsmouth on Monday evening but Saga Cruises has not confirmed if any of those injured require further treatment ashore.

A Saga Cruises statement said: “Spirit of Discovery was sadly caught in the challenging weather conditions this weekend, as she started her return to the UK. 

“The ship remained safe at all times, but due to the impact of the storm some guests sustained injuries. All were treated immediately by onboard medical staff. 

“While the weather is clearly beyond our control, we want to offer our sincere apologies to all those affected who are now safely on their way home in calmer seas.”

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This notice was published: 2023-11-07 09:20:00

UK News

BBC urged to publish report on bias against Israel ‘suppressed’ for decades | UK | News UK News

The BBC has been urged to publish a report on alleged bias against Israel left untouched for nearly two decades.

Former attorney general Sir Michael Ellis, a prominent Jewish politician, has claimed the broadcaster has “suppressed” an inquiry named the Balen Report, which was commissioned back in 2004.

The report followed repeated complaints of bias from the Israeli government 19 years ago, and senior journalist Malcolm Balen was tasked with carrying out the investigation.

The BBC has now been accused of suppressing its findings after representatives sought to keep them secret, having gone as far as to protect the report’s contents in court.

Sir Michael has now contacted Tim Davie, the broadcaster’s director-general, and demanded the inquiry’s conclusions be made public as criticism of its reporting in the Middle East continues to mount.

The former cabinet minister demanded in a letter sent to Mr Davie that the corporation demand “the same transparency it seeks in others” while setting out a timetable for disclosing the report’s content.

He wrote: “The BBC’s erroneous and highly damaging misreporting of the hospital explosion in Gaza was one of the most shocking errors in news reporting for generations and has caused real harm, as well as long-lasting reputational damage.

“Furthermore, the BBC’s refusal to describe Hamas as a terrorist organisation, despite the UK Government proscribing them as such, has caused further distress and concern.

“The Balen Report has been suppressed by the BBC since it was written.”

Sir Michael concluded: “Nearly 20 years on, the public are more concerned than ever at BBC partiality on this sensitive subject.”

The BBC has come under fire over its coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, especially over its decision not to call the latter group terrorists.

Veteran broadcaster and world affairs editor John Simpson explained that the reasoning goes “back to the BBC’s founding principles” in an article, stating terrorism is a “loaded word” people use regarding “an outfit they disapprove of morally”.

He said it is “simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn – who are the good guys and who are the bad guys”.

Mr Simpson pointed out that, while the BBC does not outright brand the group terrorists, it does “regularly point out that British and other governments have condemned Hamas as a terrorist organisation”.

With regards to the Balen Report, the broadcasters said it was commissioned “for the purposes of journalism”, and, therefore, falls outside the scope of freedom of information laws that would otherwise require it to disclose its contents.

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This notice was published: 2023-11-06 22:49:00

UK News

Young adventures take to the seas with Team GB Olympic kitesurfing trainer Maddy Anderson | UK | News UK News

A group of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds were given the opportunity to sail alongside renowned British kitesurfer and Olympic trainer Maddy Anderson after working hard to develop their skills on a Voyage of Exploration with Tall Ships Youth Trust (TSYT).

In an empowering effort to reshape and redefine their horizons, the crew made up of young people aged 12-25 went through life-changing adventures at sea, sailing over two million nautical miles with TSYT – equivalent to sailing around the world 92 times.

Tall Ships Youth Trust is a youth development and outdoor learning charity. Out on the ocean, TSYT empowers young people to realise their full potential, supporting them on their journeys into adulthood and for some, careers in the maritime sector and the blue economy.

To achieve this, TSYT operates its four iconic 72ft Challenger yachts and 55ft ketch vessel all year round, enabling more than 1,000 young people nationwide to experience its life-changing residential voyages. 

The latest voyage of this partnership saw 10 young people from Wiltshire Young Carers and Splash Targeted Youth Support Services have this incredible experience.

The crew was joined by British Women’s Kite Foiling Team member Maddy for the final leg of their voyage on Friday 27 October.

Maddy described her time on board one of TSYT’s 72ft Challenger yachts as a “really special morning”, after joining the voyage in Warsash and playing a hands-on role in the home stretch to Portsmouth.

The kitesurfer also sat down with the young people on Challenger 3 for a Q&A session about her formative experiences in sailing and the lessons she has learned on her journey to earning international acclaim and becoming part of Team GB’s training squad for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

Maddy said: “These young people have clearly had a really fun week, they’ve been really friendly to chat to and they had some great questions for me. I think they will all take different things away from this week, but they’ve clearly worked super well together and it’s really nice to see them working as a team on something that is completely different to everyday life.”

During her time on board, Maddy assisted the crew with activities such as hoisting and stowing the sails, navigating and steering, tying knots and preparing the Challenger to make its final docking of the voyage.

One of YAW’s young leaders, 14-year-old Will said: “It’s been awesome to see some brilliant teamwork going on within the group, especially from those who were quite hesitant to put themselves out there at first but were then able to go forward.

“Having someone like Maddy who has a background in sailing come and see what we’re working towards has been brilliant. She’s given us some great insight into the world of sailing and if anyone is interested in moving forward with sailing, they now have her as a role model.”

As a member of the British Sailing Team, Maddy has benefited from funding from The National Lottery. TSYT and YAW have also previously received lottery funding, enabling both charities to continue providing life-changing support to young people.

Over the past 67 years, the TSYT programme has seen more than 120,000 young people benefit from a transformational journey.

All 10 young people on board earned their Start Yachting qualification from the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), Leadership award from the Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN), as well as successfully completing the first stage of TSYT’s three-voyage programme.

To find out more about Tall Ships Youth Trust’s work, visit 

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This notice was published: 2023-11-06 17:34:00

UK News

The beautiful English castle that’s 240 miles from where its name suggests | UK | News UK News

It’s a lesson learned the hard way – before you make any presumptions about where you’re heading: check, check and check again.

But with this particular example, for the people who do end up in the wrong place, it’s a very easy mistake that can be forgiven.

Leeds Castle is a magnificent landmark that attracts more than half a million visitors each and every year.

Some of those would-be tourists have been in for a rather surprising shock when they turn up in the northern city of Leeds – rather than the village of Leeds, near Maidstone in Kent.

So frequent are the mix ups that the glorious historic venue decided to prank the UK on April Fool’s Day 2021 to say that it was having a rebrand to be called Kent Castle.

Its website said: “The joke ‘rebrand’ was a move to end confusion over its location being in Kent and not Leeds in Yorkshire.

“Although the change of name was a hoax, it is true that our staff regularly encounter misunderstandings with people wishing to visit, believing it to be some 240 miles away in the north of England.

“Visitors really have phoned Leeds Castle from Yorkshire asking for directions, wedding guests have missed the big day by going to the wrong venue and holiday-makers have booked overnight accommodation in the city of Leeds hoping to visit the castle the next day!”

The grand landmark is built on islands in a lake formed by the River Len to the east of the village of Leeds and it is a Grade I listed estate.

In the 13th century it came into the hands of King Edward I – for who it became a favourite residence – and in the 16th century Henry VIII used it as a dwelling for his first wife Catherine of Aragon.

The present castle dates mostly from the early 19th century.

Its last private owner left the castle in trust to open it to the public and it has been open since 1976.

The naming of the castle is believed to be due to its humble beginnings. From 857 the site was owned by a Saxon chief called Led or Leed who built a wooden structure on two islands in the middle of the River Len.

And visitors who don’t get mixed up about its location do tend to enjoy themselves, with the attraction being rated highly on Tripadvisor.

One user said: “Something for everyone. Feed the ducks, walk around wonderful varied grounds, understand the history of this beautiful castle.

“Go on a train ride, see falcons, find your way out of a maze, play golf with the children and oh such more.

“And if that was not enough come back again and again with your annual ticket. What more could you ask for?”

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This notice was published: 2023-11-06 09:01:00

UK News

Angry families demand refunds at ‘disastrous’ Bonfire Night fireworks obscured by fog | UK | News UK News

Birmingham’s biggest fireworks display sparked little but outrage after a “wall of smoke” prevented the audience from being able to see a thing.

Edgbaston Stadium’s Fireworks Spectacular had promised punters a “breathtaking fireworks display” – but delivered little more than loud noises and barely visible lights.

Attendees described the event as a “total disaster”.

Footage shared on social media shows the almost invisible display, as well as families in the stands getting up and leaving early while other puzzled customers watch on.

Edgbaston Stadium acknowledged the issues on Facebook and said it would get in touch with those who bought tickets shortly after the event, Birmingham Mail reported.

The venue wrote: “Due to the atmospheric conditions and unfortunate weather conditions we know that our fireworks display was impacted.

“We are currently investigating the issues that occurred and we will communicate with all ticket purchasers in due course.”

One commenter responded: “Nothing to do with the weather. On a clear summer’s night there still would’ve been a ridiculous amount of smoke and we still wouldn’t have been able to see anything.”

“Hold your hands up, apologise on behalf of whoever’s error it was and get the refund ball rolling. There are a lot of unhappy customers.

“It’s not a cheap night out either for a family. Please do the right thing.”

Another said on X: “They have totally f– up the fireworks at Edgbaston.

“Fireworks hitting the floodlights.”

Another said: “The greatest show??? At this point, it was just farcical…

“First ever display for 2/3 of our kids. Not able to get any food in time.

“No fireworks. Not sure we’ll get them to another one any time soon.”

Another added: “The smoke was in fact caused by a lack of professionalism including poor testing practices, as the fireworks were hitting the building and floodlight in addition to explosions in the seats.”

Steph Darby, from Tipton, spent nearly £100 taking her family to the fireworks, and told the BBC: “When the fireworks started, within about 20 seconds it had evidently gone wrong.

“It went smoky really quickly, you couldn’t see any of the fireworks, you couldn’t even see where it was lighting from the floor.”

An investigation has also been launched following the display and the stadium will communicate with all ticket holders, the BBC reported.

A spokesperson for Edgbaston Stadium said: “The Fireworks Spectacular is one of the most popular events in our calendar, with families returning year after year, so it’s really disappointing the adverse weather conditions impacted last night’s event.

“The same type and volume of fireworks were used on Friday night at the stadium and 4,000 visitors enjoyed an amazing display on a clear night.

“However, last night there was a lingering mist and the atmospheric conditions were such that smoke from the fireworks failed to dissipate. We understand that other displays in the region were also affected by the conditions.”

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This notice was published: 2023-11-05 21:44:00

UK News

Northern lights in the skies tonight – Met Office reveals where and when you can see it | UK | News UK News

The Met Office shared exact places where you can spot the magnificent Northern lights tonight in Britain.

According to weather experts, the ethereal phenomenon could be spotted in the far north of Scotland, as far south as central Wales and England on Sunday night.

The Met Office stated: “Look to the northern horizon tonight and you could see the aurora.

“Best chances for Scotland, though it could be possible as far south as central Wales and England

“Eastern areas will have the clearest skies.”

The northern lights (also known as aurora borealis) appear as large areas of colour including pale green, pink, shades of red, yellow, blue and violet in the direction due north.

During a weak aurora, the colours are very faint and spread out whereas an intense aurora features greater numbers of and brighter colours which can be seen higher in the sky with a distinct arc.

It lights occur as a consequence of solar activity and result from collisions of charged particles in the solar wind colliding with molecules in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Predominantly the northern lights are best witnessed in Scotland, North England, North Wales and Northern Ireland.

The lights were also seen lighting the sky on Saturday as well from Orkney and Donegal to parts of southern England including Stonehenge.

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This notice was published: 2023-11-05 17:35:00

UK News

The beautiful UK road named ‘Britain’s most dangerous’ with sharp bends and scary hills | UK | News UK News

Driving along this picture perfect scene is a breathtaking experience – but drivers don’t dare take their eyes off the road.

That’s because this beautiful yet misleading stretch is actually dubbed the UK’s most dangerous, with its precarious gradients making it a hard route to navigate.

The Kirkstone Pass road is found in Cumbria, and is also the Lake District’s highest pass open to traffic, at an incredible 1,489 feet of altitude – about 500 feet above London’s Shard building.

Officially the A592, it connects Ambleside in the Rothay Valley to Patterdale in the Ullswater Valley via many sharp bends, so drivers are urged to keep their concentration and not be distracted by the stunning views.

Its beauty is so great that visitors have rushed to speak about it on TripAdvisor. One, all the way from Montana in the US, said: “Don’t miss this drive through an amazingly beautiful landscape”.

She described the “interplay of sunshine and clouds on the landscape” as “mesmerising”. And it appears local experts take no risks with the Kirkstone Pass in winter.

It’s reported the stretch is often closed at random periods, often when bad weather is forecast, to prevent accidents on the steep incline.

Our sister site, LancsLive reports: “Despite the beautiful scenery over the Lake District, drivers may not even be able to see it because of the thick mist throughout the colder months.

“Kirkstone Pass’ steep and narrow features make the road very dangerous to drive on in adverse conditions, and the road is actually closed when there are bad winter conditions because of the risk it poses to drivers.”

So what makes it such a nightmare to drive along? It’s merely the varying gradients, with one being a flat stretch of road, and four being almost as upright as a wall.

The area is also home to the Kirkstone Pass Inn – the third highest pub in England. The road from Ambleside to the Inn is actually known as The Struggle by locals who are all too aware of the road’s difficulty.

But one reviewer, who posted about his drive along the road in 2019, said other people had likened the drive to a “Top Gear stunt.”

He said: “When I read some of the reviews on here I wonder if the reviewers are talking about the same place, with their notes of having to exercise extreme caution and comparing the drive with the best of Top Gear stunts!

“There is no doubt that there are some challenging passes to drive in the Lake District, such as Hardknott, Wrynose, Newlands, Honister etc., which are all single track roads with very narrow parts.

“Kirkstone Pass is nothing like that and is a full-width, two lane road. Obviously, as it goes up quite high, you sometimes get mist at the top, so you need to drive with care, but other than that it is an easy and very pleasant drive with beautiful scenery to enjoy.”

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This notice was published: 2023-11-05 09:00:00

UK News

World’s loneliest sheep stranded on rock for two years FINALLY rescued in epic mission | UK | News UK News

The world’s loneliest sheep has been finally rescued after being stuck on a rock for two years following an epic rescue mission.

The sheep, earlier known as ewe, has been named Fiona by a group of volunteers who shared how they brought back the sheep to safety after an “epic” mission.

The animal had been stranded on Scotland’s northeastern coast for three years.

Rescue group The Sheep Game declared: “She is in incredible fettle. Britain’s loneliest sheep is lonely no more.

“We have named her Fiona and she’s now safe and well and heading to a well-known Scottish farm park.”

Talking about the rescue mission, the group added on its Facebook page: “The rescue was EPIC!!”

One of those helping out, Ali Williamson, told of using “heavy equipment” to manouevre the sheep up an “incredible slope”.

Ali added: “It was some job lifting her up that slope. She’s going to a very special place where you will be able to see her every day.”

The team used some “heavy equipment” and the Scottish SPCA checked her over.

A hovercraft company had also offered to help last week as people worried that the sheep could not be reached by dinghy or boat because of dangerous rocky conditions near Balintore.

An appeal was also launched last month to save the sheep.

Animal welfare experts at the Scottish SPCA warned any attempted intervention would likely prove “incredibly complex”.

Jillian Turner first spotted the animal when kayaking from Balintore to Nigg in 2021. She was shocked when returning this year to see the sheep remaining in the same place.

She said: “Her fleece on the first occasion was a normal year’s growth – however, on the recent trip the fleece was huge and touching the ground at the back. The poor ewe has been on her own for at least two years – for a flock animal that has to be torture.

“She seemed desperate to make contact with us on the two occasions we have gone past her.”

A farmer is thought to have previously investigated rescue options, while drones were into the area to monitor the ewe’s welfare.

A local boat skipper suggested the animal was taking cover nearby. He said: “There are several caves in that area and it is believed it shelters in at least one of them – that would explain how it has survived. It is astonishing that it has made it through all weathers and in that exposed place – sheltering in a cave would explain it.”

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This notice was published: 2023-11-04 21:22:00

UK News

Horror moment fireworks launch into crowd of screaming families with children injured | UK | News UK News

The shocking moment fireworks were launched into a crowd of onlookers was caught on camera as six people were left injured.

Around 3,000 people attended a Bonfire Night celebration at Stone SP Cricket Club in Staffordshire on Friday, November 3.

But attendees were left running for their lives after a firework shot into the crowd in the middle of the firework display.

According to reports, six people were left injured, including several children after the firework exploded in the crowd of people.

After a brief pause to make an announcement requesting first aid, half the crowd walked out of the cricket club, shocked that organisers decided to continue with the scheduled programme as those injured were treated nearby.

One onlooker, who was filming the show, said they heard “screaming” as the firework was launched into the crowd of families.

The witness said: “I saw something hit the floor and had this instinctive feeling something wasn’t going to go right. All you could hear was screaming after that.

“After it happened, everything froze. We didn’t know what was going on. Half the crowd left. But then the fireworks started going off again.

“We thought ‘how can they continue with the display after what happened’ and we took the kids and left.”

Other visitors also took to social media to express their horror at the events. One woman said: “My son took some of a rogue firework to the chin. He’s five. He was terrified. Such a shame. Can’t fault the first aiders. I can’t believe they carried on either.”

Another said: “It was horrible, we left straight after that happened.” A third added: “We left after a stray firework flew past my son and nephews face we grabbed them and left.”

Stone Swynnerton Park Cricket Club confirmed a “briefing” was bring held.

So far no one has been available for comment. Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service and West Midlands Ambulance Service have been contacted.

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This notice was published: 2023-11-04 17:40:00

UK News

Invasion of bed bugs forces library to be evacuated and shut for days | UK | News UK News

Horrified members of the public were told to leave a library immediately due to a bed bug infestation.

West London’s Ealing Central Library was briefly closed last week, with cushions being taken away for treatment due to a breakout of the creepy crawlies.

It was later reopened but an announcement over the tannoy on Monday, October 30 told visitors to leave immediately.

Yesterday locals looking to exchange books at the library were greeted by locked doors and a ‘pest infestation’ notice saying that all soft furnishings were being temporarily removed.

Ealing Council has now confirmed the bed bug outbreak – but promised that the library would be open again soon, MyLondon reports.

A spokesperson said: “Ealing Library was closed on 30 October 2023 at 1.30pm as staff noticed pests (bed bugs) in the library. 

“It is anticipated that the library will reopen on Thursday 2 November and normal service will resume. 

“The council is actively addressing this issue with professional pest control solutions. 

“These treatments will be administered during the library’s closure and the chemicals used are safe for individuals of all ages. 

“The technical advice was that it was safe for both the public and staff to re-open the library – both in terms of controlling and preventing the spread of the infestation and in relation to the chemicals used to treat furniture. 

“However, the council recognised that library users and staff had concerns and decided that temporarily closing the library was the right course of action.

“The library is only being reopened after a full course of treatment has been applied by contractors Rentokill. 

“The council will continue to monitor the situation and take preventative measures to ensure that the issue has been fully resolved, and that everything is being done to prevent its recurrence.” 

It added: “We extend our apologies for any inconvenience this situation may cause and thank residents and library staff for their understanding.”

Meanwhile a list of the UK bed bug hotspots has been revealed, while experts have warned of symptoms to look out for.

October has seen a surge in calls to pest control companies after Paris reported a rising number of infestations.

New maps show the UK hot spots, with three areas in London being named as the areas of the UK where people are searching about bed bugs on Google.

Stats show around 80,000 searches for the term ‘bed bugs’ across the UK, with the rate among Purley in Croydon, south London, residents being the highest of all.

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This notice was published: 2023-11-01 13:35:00