
Between choreography, playbacks and challenges, companies are now recruiting on the TikTok application


The TikTok app claims 800 million monthly users across the world.
The TikTok app claims 800 million monthly users across the world. (MANJUNATH KIRAN / AFP)

TikTok, do you know? If you are over 25, you may never have heard the name. And yet with 800 million monthly users, including 11 million in France, this application is the new El Dorado for young people.

And if teenagers are represented there, nearly one in five users is still between 25 and 49 years old. An ideal hunting ground for recruiters who are just figuring it out. In recent months, they have started to invest in this playground with unsuspected possibilities. In the midst of dance competitions, playbacks and challenges, as the Les Echos Start site notes, there are now job advertisements.

And these offers are far more successful than you might expect. They are even much more seen than on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or Instagram. Up to twice as many resumes are received for the same ad placed elsewhere. Recruiters say they’re hitting a type of candidate with TikTok that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

The positions offered on this application are more intended for young candidates. System U has for example recruited apprentice butchers. It has worked so well that they are about to repeat the experience with the butchers, pastry chefs and fishmongers.

The Paris firefighters and Leroy Merlin will do the same, via Bonanza, a start-up that is responsible for setting their announcements on the network to music. Most recently, an interim group, Synergie, also took over TikTok. For example for difficult trades such as plumber, electrician or mason. Usually, candidates did not rush to the gate, but this time a recruiter in Aveyron, received 33 CVs all at once through this social network.

But to work, ads have to be anything but “corporate”. You must use the network codes: light, quirky, funny, short, punchy … and good music. These are the essentials to create direct and simple contact with potential candidates.

For example, the communications director of a cosmetics brand danced to attract applicants. His video / recruitment advertisement / choreography has had more than 170,000 views and attracted more than 200 applications. Young people, especially 16-24 year olds, who would never have thought of applying are going into certain professions because they discovered them on TikTok. The SNCF, not such an old lady, has thus succeeded in highlighting some of its little-known jobs for which it had difficulty in recruiting.


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