
how to cut the cord?


The mobile phone is now an integral part of the daily life of many French people. You can spend the evening on your phone and miss out on a book or a movie”, Admits a passerby to the teams of France Televisions. “It’s always in my pocket”, Confides another.

So how do you take back control? First step: be aware of the time spent on our devices. “It’s full of micro-interactions“, explains Thibaud Dumas, neuroscientist and president of the Attention Hyperconnexion association.”That is, you’re going to take a second, ten seconds, a minute … And at the end of the day you don’t realize you’ve spent four or five hours” on the phone.

To no longer be distracted, it is preferable to turn off notifications as much as possible but also to store it out of reach as often as possible.

The JT

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