“‘There is a certain submission, organized for a very long time, towards large groups”, according to Clémentine Autain

We’re late and it’s a failure“, estimated Sunday February 7 on France Inter and Franceinfo the deputy La France rebellious Clémentine Autain, about the vaccine strategy against the Covid-19.”I think that even at the European level, things were not properly negotiated because there is a certain submission, organized for a very long time, with regard to large groups“, said the elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis.

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The production chains, we are not able to set them up. Patents, we are not able to get them very quickly, all these licenses, we are not able to do it“, lamented the deputy.”I don’t believe that France should negotiate alone“, Clémentine Autain clarified.”I think that the way we are organized on a European scale poses a problem for us because we are always in the idea that leaving it to the private sector will work well.. “

We do not know how to get things done properly in terms of licenses to be able to organize production chains, use Sanofi and say tomorrow ‘we are requisitioning’“production lines, according to the elected.”The government is not able to say: ‘we requisition and we go’. He begs. “

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