Ursula von der Leyen under fire from critics

Still little known in France, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, is however responsible for ordering vaccines against Covid-19 for the entire European Union. Since the arrival of the first vaccines, the Commission’s strategy has been clear. “We work in a framework of 27, it is together that we negotiate, together that we deliver the doses”, said Ursula Von Der Leyen on January 8.

Only, on Wednesday February 3, only 3% of the population of the European Union had received at least one dose of the vaccine, against 60% in Israel and 16% in the United Kingdom. “Vaccines are a total failure of von der Leyen“, criticizes an executive of the European Parliament, while support believes that she should have”put more pressure on the labsSilent at first, she admitted this week a lack of anticipation on vaccines and received encouragement from Emmanuel Macron, who praised her “commitment”, and Angela Merkel who congratulated “the work of the Commission“.

This renewed support is also a topic of discussion. “All his legitimacy depends on the deal between Macron and Merkel “, analyzes a framework of the European Parliament. Behind the scenes, it is rumored that Ursula von der Leyen, former minister of Angela Merkel, would have become president of the Commission only following the signing of a last agreement minute between Paris and Berlin (Germany), but was not a favorite.

The JT

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