Snow and cold arrive from northern Europe

In Lille (North), it is the return of the snowball battles. In the North, snow has covered the landscapes and the beach, as in Malo-les-Bains (North). “It’s very good, we like it a lot. We have the snow and the sea at the same time so that’s great. It’s nice, especially on the beach. It’s magic”, confide walkers on Sunday February 7. In Germany, snow has caused the closure of certain railway lines. In Hanover, the cold froze a high-speed train completely.

In the Netherlands, rails are de-iced with a torch. At Amsterdam Airport, planes maneuver in the fog. The snow caused the derailment of a tram in The Hague. It has been ten years since the Dutch have seen such a storm. But this freezing cold did not prevent the bravest from swimming.

The JT

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