this is the news of the week for children

Brexit explained to children in the new episode of Salut l  'info !, the podcast of franceinfo and Astrapi magazine aimed at 7-11 year olds. & Nbsp;
Brexit explained to children in the new episode of Salut l’Info !, the podcast of franceinfo and Astrapi magazine for 7-11 year olds. (ASTRAPI / BAYARD PRESSE / EL DON GUILLERMO)

Since January 1, relations between the UK and Europe, including France, have changed a bit. Why ? Because Brexit has officially entered into force. But what does that weird word mean? And why did the UK want to leave the European Union? A subject not always easy to understand, including for adults. To talk about it, “Hey info!” handed the microphone to an expert on the subject living locally in the UK: Richard Place, journalist and Permanent Special Envoy of Radio France in London, the capital of England. In this week’s dossier, he answers children’s questions about Brexit.

The news this week also takes us to the finish line of the Vendée Globe, at Les Sables d’Olonnes. After 80 days at sea, the first sailors finished their race during the night from Wednesday to Thursday… after 80 days at sea! On his arrival, the winner of the race Yannick Bestaven shared his emotion. Listen to it in this new episode.

Still in France, in the south of the country, it is the discovery of a new species of dinosaur that is making the news: the Titan des Garrigues.

Dinosaurs, creatures of all kinds or burglars … Everyone has different fears, which can make our imagination work. In our “We tell each other everything” column this week, Lucile says that she is sometimes afraid at night when she is alone at home. “Hey info!” gives him advice to overcome his fears.

Not to mention the children’s jokes left on the show’s answering machine and a crush on a legendary British rock band: the Rolling Stones. The show also calls out to children: what topic would they like Hi Info! discussed in the next shows? Young listeners can leave their ideas for topics on the program’s answering machine on 01 47 79 40 00.

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