
Car pooling, autonomous car, flying car … Mobility will be one of the key topics at VivaTech 2019.
According to Frédéric Mazzella, founder and president of Blablacar, French car-sharing unicorn, ” the autonomous car will above all be shared “. Impossible, according to him, to maintain our current transport habits because of environmental imperatives.
This autonomous car “ will only be able to function effectively in the city if the city itself becomes smart and connected “, Explain Julien Villalongue, director of Léonard, the Vinci Group’s foresight and innovation platform. Vinci participates in the “data city” program in Paris which aims to mesh the territory with sensors to make the infrastructures communicative.
What about the flying car? Uber is working on a surprising electric aerial vehicle project. François Sillion, Parisian R&D center director of Uber, explains that this future means of transport will only make sense, again, in the context of shared mobility ” so that the “flying VTC” of tomorrow is not reserved for a few happy fews “.
Other unusual experiments are in preparation, such as the French inventor’s flying car Franky Zapata, founder of Zapata Racing. This professional jetski pilot, inventor of Flyboard and Flyboard Air, kinds of atypical aerial surfboards, reveals on franceinfo that he is developing a flying car, the first prototype of which should be unveiled at Vivatech.
New World VivaTech 2019 : an original podcast in five episodes by Jérôme Colombain with Guillaume Bregeras (Les Echos). To discover the innovations of Vivatech 2019 not to be missed. Five episodes, five round tables to take the pulse of five sectors shaken up by tech: transport, environment, medicine, finance and food ahead of the show. A podcast to be found on franceinfo.fr and on the Radio France app.