the “zero Covid” objective already questioned?

In Germany, “Angela Merkel is getting closer to a zero Covid strategy, in other words no longer trying to live with the virus but eliminating it completely, reducing the number of cases even further”, analysis Laurent Desbonnets, in duplex from Berlin, Thursday 11 February. For this, the Chancellor opted for the strategy of “close the borders with new regions, like the Austrian Tyrol where variants circulate a lot”, he adds.

Germany also chooses to “keep schools and non-essential businesses closed”. No national easing is expected before March 7, although the Chancellor’s plans could be quickly thwarted. “Angela Merkel does not decide alone and many regional presidents are getting impatient, adds the reporter. Some are already announcing the reopening despite everything of some schools in the coming days “. Decisions that may well “to question this zero Covid strategy”.

The JT

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