
meeting with Guillaume Rosier, the engineer who makes the complex epidemic data readable


Guillaume Rosier, a young 24-year-old engineer, is a figure in high demand by the media. Its CovidTracker site, which analyzes the Covid-19 figures every day, has become the benchmark. Many aspects of the pandemic are deciphered through interactive graphics or maps. Every month, nearly 15 million people visit its site dedicated to the epidemic.

In March 2020, he started by posting a simple diagram on Twitter, which compares the evolution of the pandemic in Italy and France. With eight other volunteers, he codes in a few months a computer program which analyzes all the data of the pandemic available publicly and transforms it into a human-readable diagram. His site is free and ad-free. “These data visualizations help to understand the epidemic and are used by many citizens and health professionals“, he explains.

To follow the evolution of vaccination in France, he created the VaccinTracker site, but this time, public data is scarce. He has since devised the VaccinPlanner site, which could allow everyone to know their date of vaccination. With current data, Guillaume Rosier estimates that the date for his vaccination could arrive in two years.

The JT

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