
a second ethics researcher fired from Google


Margaret Mitchell, who founded Google’s Ethics and Artificial Intelligence research team, was “trip”, she announced on Friday February 19 on Twitter, one month after his suspension. In January, Margaret Mitchell was denied access to her professional account, weeks after the dismissal of a member of her team, Timnit Gebru.

Google accuses the researcher in ethics and artificial intelligence for having downloaded a large number of documents linked to her former colleague and then having shared them with outsiders.

But the company faces criticism as Margaret Mitchell accuses the company of forcing it to retract on search results. “These are attacks on people who are trying to make Google’s technology more ethical.”, reacted a spokesperson for the Alphabet Workers Union, the union recently formed by employees of the group.

Under his tweet on Friday, messages of support abounded. “I guess that means ethical AI has no place in a capitalist society”, commented Chelsea Manning, the former military analyst who was convicted of treason after transmitting classified documents to WikiLeaks.

On January 19, two days before his suspension, Margaret mitchell had publicly criticized the group’s executive director, Sundar Pichai, on the subject of racism. “Let’s say you have a problem because you keep alienating black women and causing them great harm.”, she tweeted over a link to a CNN article titled “Google boss meets with black university leaders after racism charges.”

The algorithms created by the firm are accused of having perverse effects if they are not well calibrated, especially in terms of discrimination against minorities. Faced with these accusations, Google announced that Marian Croak, an African-American vice president of the group, had created “a new center of expertise on responsible AI”. According to the press release, she will be responsible for “to ensure that Google develops AI responsibly and that technology has a positive impact.”


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