
New world. You will have to quit WhatsApp if you do not accept the new terms of use


The WhatsApp application on a screen.
WhatsApp application on a screen. (ARNAUD JOURNOIS / MAXPPP)

The change should have taken place in February but faced with an outcry from users, it was postponed to May 15. From this date, some data of WhatsApp users will be shared with the Facebook platform. And it will be that or nothing.

WhatsApp management has just explained on its site what will happen if you are a user and do not agree to the new terms of service that will be proposed in a few weeks. First, you will no longer be able to send or receive written messages, you will only be able to receive notifications and audio calls. Then, if you do not use your account for 120 days, WhatsApp explains that it will be closed and all messages will be deleted. In its great goodness, WhatsApp still allows you to download your message history for storage.

This affair triggered a kind of psychosis, which led to an exodus of some users to other platforms deemed less greedy in personal data, such as Telegram, Signal or the French Olvid or Skred. But a lot of false information has circulated in recent weeks about WhatsApp. The boss of WhatsApp even split up a video on Twitter to set the record straight.

In reality, there is no question that the conversations are monitored or that WhatsApp becomes chargeable, as some infox claim. What is expected is that some usage data will be shared between WhatsApp and Facebook, when using WhatsApp with a business. For example, if you communicate via WhatsApp with a merchant site, this could lead to advertisements for that brand or for similar products then appearing on your Facebook. The Facebook group wants to monetize WhatsApp which is not making money.


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