
In Côte-d’Or, farmers are trained in communication on social networks


It’s called New York. A calf born in the night that Jérôme Cornemillot hastens to present to the 600 people who follow him on Facebook. A way for him to tell about his daily life as a breeder, to explain the way he works, to promote his products but above all to exchange very easily with consumers. “I would like to stop, have a coffee, meet them, chat with them, but the concern is that we work more than 70 hours a week, we don’t have time to do that. While on social networks it takes five seconds. We put a photo and immediately we have reactions“.

Like him, more and more of them are communicating and interacting with consumers via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. A phenomenon that has become more pronounced with the pandemic, when at the first containment, many operators launched into take-out and distance selling. Two out of three farmers are now said to actively use social media.

And to help them understand its tools, some chambers of agriculture like the one in Côte-d’Or offer them training to learn how to use social networks and be more effective in their communication. Communication they want to master in these times when we hear a lot about “agribashing”. For Alexandra Bollaert, their trainer for the day, there is a real change of mind: “They take control of their communication. The goal is to show that we have virtuous practices, which may not be organic, but which are nonetheless respectful of the environment“.


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