the government has chosen to adapt the restrictions to different regions

To curb the Covid-19 epidemic, Italy has chosen to adapt its restriction measures to different regions. Color codes are affixed according to the epidemic situation in these areas. “This is our case in Rome, where we are in a yellow zone, that is to say that it has the fewest possible restrictions. Conversely, at the other end of the sample, he there are the red regions, this is the case of the city of Perugia “, reports the journalist of France Televisions Alban Mikoczy live from Rome for 12/13, Thursday February 25.

In these regions classified in the red zone, confinement is very strict. Authorizations are necessary to be able to move. The shops are closed. This policy has yielded results, according to the journalist. “The absolute example is the city of Fondi, south of Rome. There has been a long policy of containment, the city has long been a red zone. Then, little by little, the number of cases of contamination has fallen, the incidence rate too “, Explain Alban Mikoczy.

The JT

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