
squawks in series in the connections


In the rural areas of Doubs, according to the Syndicat mixte Doubs Très Haut Débit, nearly half of the fiber connections are poorly made. As here for example, at Marie Faivre, resident of Russey. Last August, a technician intervened at her house, and took it four times to pierce the wall of her living room to connect the fiber to her internet box. In addition to these defects, but in addition the Internet cuts very regularly: “I thought I was dealing with someone who knew the job well and now not at all. I wouldn’t have laid the fiber if I had known it was like that, says the 80-year-old woman. “

Each month, the Syndicat Mixte receives more than 100 complaints after similar interventions. To connect an operator’s fiber to your internet box, you have to go through a connection box. From this box, your operator’s technician pulls the fiber to bring it to your home. In rural areas, these boxes belong in the vast majority of cases to the community. But very often during these operations, they find themselves degraded by the technicians.

An unacceptable situation for the elected officials of the Doubs. Denis Leroux, vice-president (DVD) of the Doubs department in charge of the digital development of the territory, shows us an optical connection point damaged by technicians: “This is what shows a completely catastrophic arrival of optical fiber with fibers that are not labeled, identified, a box that is on the ground, a storage that is incredibly filthy. It is believed that between 60 to 75% of the network is in this state, it’s a disaster ! “

The Doubs Very Broadband Mixed Syndicate has already spent 4 million euros to put boxes like these back in order. And the phenomenon is national, according to testimonies that flourish on social networks. According to Richard Toper, president of the Circle of reflection and study for the development of optics, these recurring degradations are due to the subcontracting system, set up by the operators to connect among the French: “In fact there is an envelope to make a connection which is of a few hundred euros. Let’s put 500-800 euros, but the person who does it very often is a splicer, who is himself a service provider, with another company , himself with another, etc. He may have 50-100 euros left to do that, and so obviously he doesn’t have time to do it properly, it’s as stupid as that. “

We contacted subcontractors: they all tell us about the pace to be respected, work under pressure, and a lack of training among some installers. The government, which has spent 3.6 billion euros for the deployment of fiber in France, is aware of these problems. Cédric O, Secretary of State responsible for the digital transition calls on operators to improve their practices: “There is no question of public money having to be put on the table again. It is up to them to ensure, in their agreements with subcontractors, in the way they organize themselves, let things be done and let them be done well. “

As for the operators, they are committed to improving the sector. In France, according to the gvt 20% of fiber connections are defective.

The Avicca association, which brings together elected officials and mixed unions which ask operators to supervise subcontracting.

The Doubs mixed union.

To go further, the websiteRegulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Posts and Press Distribution (Arcep)


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