Germany intends to further tighten its border controls with France


Video length: 1 min.

Covid-19: Germany intends to further tighten its border controls with France
France 3
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As the coronavirus epidemic continues to rage in France, with more than 45,000 new ones detected in 24 hours, Germany wants to strengthen its border controls with France. Live from Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), journalist Sylvie Mahal takes stock for 12/13, Friday March 26.

Still hit hard by the coronavirus epidemic, France could, despite itself, see reinforced border controls with its German neighbor. Live from Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), Friday March 26, France Télévisions journalist Sylvie Mahal believes that “daily life will become more complicated for the thousands of cross-border workers“. Indeed, the latter will have to produce a negative test dating from less than 48 hours.

In addition, “checks will not necessarily be at the border post, they will be random, carried out by flying teams“, warns the journalist. Since Friday morning, the French and German authorities have been stepping up the dialogue to refine the device somewhat. In Moselle, French workers have already been affected by this obligation to test for nearly a month.”Their daily life is punctuated by that, by the test race. They also feel stigmatized“, specifies Sylvie Mahal.

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