
no, women giving birth will not be separated from their babies by a plastic sheet



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In a viral video shared on social media, a woman who has just given birth can be seen discovering her baby through plastic wrap. Images that shocked many Internet users.

Newborns separated from their mothers by a plastic sheet. This is too much for corona-skeptics. In a viral video shared on social media, a woman who has just given birth can be seen discovering her baby through plastic wrap. Shocked by these images, Internet users lament that the mother was unable to hold her own child in the first moments of her life because of measures related to the coronavirus. ” That’s enough They note.

Their portrayal of this scene on conspiratorial groups and the Telegram app is flawed and lacks context. This video was originally posted to social media TikTok by Melina Tesi, an American YouTuber who gave birth to a baby boy on February 4. But according to her own explanation, the plastic sheet separating her from her baby in the video is not linked to the coronavirus. In a commentary, which asks him about the presence of this tarpaulin, she answers : ” it is because of the cesarean procedure. I couldn’t move my arms or anything, so the best they could do was show it to me through the clear plastic.

During a cesarean delivery, there is always an operating field between the surgeon and the mother’s face, explains Mathilde Delespine, midwife coordinator of the Maison des femmes de Seine Saint Denis. While it is usually opaque, in recent years some hospitals in the United States have offered transparent films, which allow the mother to see her baby as soon as it is born. Many photos exist on social networks, which were posted long before the coronavirus pandemic.

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