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Prince Philip’s funeral felt like an intimate family occasion – as the royal family gathered around the Queen | UK News

Emotional, often moving and sometimes moving, thanks to the music he himself had chosen, the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral was a faithful reflection of a life well lived, a life of service and a farewell to an unforgettable, much loved one. character.

As “I promise you my country” was played by military musicians, marking the arrival of the Land Rover hearse which Prince philip helped in the design, soldiers, sailors and airmen bowed their heads.

It was a great start for the procession that the prince had done so much to shape.

Along with the formality of military uniforms, another heartwarming personal touch – his cap and blanket, placed on the seat of his car, with a jar of lumps of sugar for his horses.

The Duke of Edinburgh is buried in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
The duke’s bonnet and blanket were placed on the seat of his car

Driving in a horse-drawn carriage one of his greatest pleasures until his 90s. As the music faded, there was silence – just the crunch of gravel under the feet of the group of porters as the coffin was carried outside St George’s Chapel.

The Prince of Wales was visibly moved as he led the family behind his father, alongside the Princess Royal. Then the queen emerged to join the procession.

Learn more about Duke Of Edinburgh

Prince Charles follows the coffin as it walks past the Round Tower.  Pic: AP
Prince Charles follows his father’s coffin. Pic: AP

It was the first time we had seen her since the death of her husband.

The national anthem played as she was pushed to follow the man who always said her role, first and last, was to serve her.

As the family settled inside the chapel, the cameras might be on them, but it felt like an intimate family occasion.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-17 17:40:00