
Sussex police dog Hox catches suspected burglar in Hove Brighton News

A POLICE dog found a teenage burglary suspect hiding behind a wall after following him through a construction site.

Two people were seen fleeing the site of School Road, Hove before climbing onto scaffolding and jumping a 15-foot fence to escape police around 10:27 p.m. on April 8.

The couple managed to break up while climbing on the roofs of the houses and began to jump in the garden.

Police pursued but believed they had lost the couple when 20-month-old Hox was tasked with joining the search.

The German Shepherd found a teenager hiding behind a nearby garden wall shortly after.

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The 15-year-old boy, suspected of burglary, was arrested and released under investigation, pending further investigations. Nothing has been reported stolen to date.

Hox manager, PC Gareth Evers, said, “Hox is a cheeky chappy who is highly motivated to work.

“He’s very playful and friendly at home but goes into work mode, becoming very focused as soon as he sees me in uniform.

“Hox and I have been together since June 2020 and completed our initial class together in October 2020.

“Since becoming operational, PD Hox has hunted down car thieves, recovered stolen goods, pursued and detained burglars and devoured some butchers’ bones!”

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This notice was published: 2021-04-20 15:58:33