Bath City

Yeovil College to receive £ 30million investment on campus Bath City News

Yeovil College is expected to receive an investment of more than £ 30million from the Department of Education.

It was selected as one of 16 colleges in the UK to benefit from the ministry’s FE Capital Transformation Fund.

The £ 1.5billion fund was set up to rebuild academic areas and create modern and student-friendly spaces.

The fund, combined with the money generated by the Institute of Technology and their own large investment, totals over £ 30million of investment over the next four years.

Yeovil College has confirmed that the entire campus will benefit from the cash injection with an “ambitious and far-reaching plan.”

Construction of the “ campus transformation plan ” will begin next summer and it is estimated to be largely complete for the September cohort in 2024.

Mark Bolton, CEO and Director of Yeovil College, said he was delighted with the news. (Image: Yeovil College)

Mark Bolton, CEO and Director of Yeovil College, said he was delighted with the news.

He said: “While our current campus is beautifully maintained and maintained, there is a need to improve it if we are to realize the potential of our learners and the community, creating the space to meet our aspirations.

“The campus transformation plans will create a campus that reflects our approach and attitude to everything we do – only the best is good enough at Yeovil College.”

More than £ 5million of the development will be completed this year.

Mr Bolton said: “The student experience is already advancing with true 21st century facilities being developed to give our learners a head start in their careers.”

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The investment will go to learning spaces and social spaces on campus, with all commercial buildings receiving an investment.

The investment will focus in particular on the areas of the A-level program, sports, protection services, performing arts, travel and tourism, hospitality, beauty, hairdressing, make-up. media and basic learning.

It will also create a converted “ultra-modern” educational resource center, catering facilities, digital social and learning spaces.

The college will redesign its award-winning training restaurant, hair and beauty salon, performing arts studio, gym and gym, as well as the creation of a student hub and zone accessible and ultramodern learning.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-20 10:30:32