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Repelled boyfriend bombarded woman with texts and calls and left her ‘living in fear’ UK News

A repulsed lover bombarded his secret girlfriend with hundreds of texts and calls when she threw him out after he allegedly got violent on a hotel date.

Mahinur Hasib, 33, divorced without a job, called the woman up to 30 times a day in an attempt to recover her ailments – but failed, a court said.

Hasib, of Westbourne Avenue, Bensham, Gateshead, has now received a 12 month community order and has been warned to stay away from her for two years under a restraining order.

Prosecutor Rehana Haque told South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court: “They were in a relationship from April 2020 to November.

“The relationship turned sour after he took control.

“She ended the relationship when there was an incident of violence at a Travelodge in Washington.

“He grabbed her and bruised her. She didn’t report it but ended the relationship.

“She was then bombarded with calls and texts from him. Some of the calls were from a hidden number, but she knew they were coming from him.

“She received hundreds of missed calls, sometimes up to 30 a day, and 50 texts asked her to contact him.

“She says she lives in fear.”

The court heard that Hasib’s harassment consisted of calling the victim’s mother on New Year’s Eve, which resulted in residents of the Sunderland area being “after her,” Ms Haque said.

He continued to contact her over the next two weeks – and also approached her while she was in her car at her workplace.

When questioned by police, Hasib, who has previously been convicted of assaulting a former partner, admitted the contact had been “excessive”.

She added: “He accepted that he would have left her harassed.”

Ritchie Rogers, defending, said Hasib and the plaintiff were from the Muslin Bangladeshi community.

Mr. Rogers said: “She had a brief affair with the accused. It was clandestine. He is divorced and there were issues with that.

“She alleges that he assaulted her. The expanse gripped her wrists in a hotel room. He was not charged.

“The messages aren’t particularly threatening, but there are many. He has gone too far.

Hasib pleaded guilty to stalking without fear, alarm or distress, between November 24 and January 1.

The community ordinance comes with a requirement of 20 days of rehabilitation work with the probation service.

He was fined £ 120, with £ 95 in court costs and a victim fine surcharge of £ 85.