UK News

PMQs haven’t helped much – key questions remain unanswered about Boris Johnson’s apartment renovation | Political news

When asked by the PM, MPs learned from Boris Johnson about the Tories’ housing policy, the council’s tax plans, that the Labor opposition voted against his Brexit deal (which they didn’t not done) and the amount of public money the Labor Prime Ministers had spent on apartment renovations.

But other than a denial that any rules or laws were broken as part of his own Downing Street renovation, they haven’t learned answers to key questions about financing his apartment, as the Prime Minister repeatedly avoided Sir Keir Starmerquestioning.

As the The Election Commission opens an investigation which could result in criminal penalties, here are some of the unanswered questions.

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‘Major Sleaze’: Starmer confronts Johnson

• Is it true that Mr Johnson and Carrie Symonds initially wanted the taxpayer to foot the bill, ending in a dispute with then-ethics chief Helen MacNamara, who quit months later to take a job in the private sector? The Prime Minister makes his decision not to use taxpayers’ money for much of his defense.

• Is the £ 58,000 the ceiling for renovation expenditure? Was there one or more entrepreneurs?

• When the Cabinet Office paid the initial invoice of £ 58,000 “at the beginning of June” for the renovation, did it charge interest and should it have been declared in records? Did they write a letter saying the money should be refunded and to whom?

• Who at CCHQ (Conservative Campaign Headquarters) approved the decision to reimburse the Cabinet Office, and when? Is it true that CCHQ was reducing costs? Should this transaction have been recorded as a loan to Mr Johnson?

• Why …

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This notice was published: 2021-04-28 12:22:00