UK News

Observe extensive damage to part of the metro’s power line after a thunderstorm UK News

Repair work is underway after part of the metro’s power line was severely damaged by a thunderstorm.

Trains cannot run between the airport and South Gosforth until at least noon Tuesday due to inclement weather on Monday.

Replacement buses will run through the affected area until the trains are moving again.

Engineers are working to repair the damage in the affected area tonight and have revealed the extent of the damage.

Maintenance delivery chief Steven Shiel said crews would work through the night and apologized for the inconvenience.

The damaged wires can be seen in the video posted to their Twitter account and Nexus believes it was caused by a lightning strike.

Earlier, a Nexus spokesperson said: “Tube services are to remain suspended between the airport and South Gosforth for the remainder of the evening.

“This is due to the extensive damage to the overhead lines from what appears to be an alleged lightning strike.

“A thousand meters of power line have been damaged and repair work will start from 8 pm tonight.

“Engineers estimate that the work will likely be completed by noon on Tuesday, so anyone traveling in the morning to this affected area will have to use a replacement bus, the 900 service.

“Sorry for the inconvenience. Keep an eye on our @My_Metro Twitter account for updates. “