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Queen’s Speech: What To Expect As Boris Johnson Sets Up COVID Recovery Agenda | Political news

The government will set out its legislative agenda for the new parliamentary session in the Queen’s Speech today.

His usual pomp and ceremony will be greatly reduced due to the COVID-19[female[feminine restrictions that remain in place.

It will also be the Queenfirst great public ceremonial duty since the death of her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh.

Here’s what to expect in the speech, which you can watch and follow live from 10:30 a.m. on Sky News, online, and on the Sky News app.

Queen Elizabeth waits to read the Queen's speech to lawmakers in the House of Lords at the official opening of Parliament in central London on May 9, 2012
It will be the Queen’s first major public ceremonial duty since the death of her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh

Education and skills

The focus on education and training for older adolescents and adults will be among a series of new bills – more than 25 in number – aimed at ‘revolutionizing’ the adult education and training system. .

The promise of a “lifelong skills guarantee” will be at the heart of Boris Johnsonthe Prime Minister’s plans, as the Prime Minister has pledged to put “rocket fuel” in his “leveling” program.

Education secretary Gavin Williamson It will also be granted greater powers to intervene in colleges deemed not to meet local needs.

Queen's Speech Announcements


The PM would promise to bring jobs and skills to the ‘red wall’ areas (traditional Labor voting seats taken by the Tories in the recent elections) so that people no longer have to leave their hometowns in the city. search for prosperity.

It is expected to be a gesture for voters who helped his party to victory last week. local elections, and the Hartlepool by-election.

Queen's Speech Announcements


A Police, Crime, Sentences and Courts Bill to give the Police in England and Wales more powers to curb protests will feature despite vehement opposition to it in recent months.

Controversial bill expected to return after being shelved as the demonstrations progress for the sake of limiting the right to demonstrate.

Queen's Speech Announcements



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This notice was published: 2021-05-11 05:36:00