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Vaccination passport available from next week – How to download the application | UK | New UK News

Boris Johnson has confirmed that the scheduled date for the resumption of international travel will continue next week as part of the government’s roadmap to exit the lockdown. The news delighted many Britons who wondered if the possibility of spending a summer vacation after more than a year of the coronavirus pandemic would be possible.

From May 17, the travel ban will be lifted and people will be allowed to travel to “green list” countries such as Portugal, although they are still advised not to travel to destinations listed. on the orange list.

Portugal, Gibraltar, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Brunei, Iceland and the Faroe Islands – as well as several small remote islands that are British overseas territories are currently on the green list. .

The Prime Minister declared: “This release represents a very considerable step on the roadmap towards normality and I am convinced that we will be able to go further”.

The government has confirmed that it is currently on track to meet the June 21 date for the lifting of almost all restrictions in England.

Although you currently do not need to be vaccinated to travel abroad, when traveling you will be asked for your Covid status – this requires proof of a negative test and / or your proof of vaccine.

The app currently does not display coronavirus test results, so if you are traveling you will need other proof that you have not recently tested positive for the virus.

Official government guidelines published online say, “You can access your Covid-19 vaccination status through the free NHS app from May 17.

“You can access the app through mobile devices such as a smartphone or tablet.

“Proof of your Covid-19 vaccination status will be displayed in the NHS app.

“We recommend that you register with the app before booking international travel.

“Demonstrating your Covid-19 vaccine status allows you to show others that you have completed a full cycle of the Covid-19 vaccine when you travel abroad to certain countries or territories.

“A full course is currently two doses of any approved vaccine.”

The app was originally designed to allow people to book appointments, repeat prescriptions, and view their complete medical records.

It is separate from the NHS Covid-19 app, which is used for contact tracing.

If you don’t have a smartphone, you must call 119 to order a letter confirming your immunization status.

Despite using the app, coronavirus tests will still remain for anyone traveling abroad to a Green List country or otherwise.

How to download the Covid passport app?

The app is available on Apple and Android smartphones.

To download the app, go to the App Store on your affected device and search for the NHS app.

This should be the first result of the search list.

You can also access the NHS app services from your desktop or laptop browser.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-11 12:20:55