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Unite leadership candidate Howard Beckett suspended from Labor after saying Priti Patel “should be kicked out” | Political news

A leadership candidate for one of Labor’s biggest union supporters has been suspended from the party after suggesting that Priti Patel should be “kicked out”, according to Sky News.

Howard Beckett, who is running for election as Unite’s new secretary general, was heavily criticized Thursday night for his tweets about the Home Secretary.

In a series of messages related to mass protests in Glasgow Earlier today, following the detention of two men by border officials, Mr Beckett said: “Priti Patel should be deported, not the refugees.

“She can go with anyone else who supports institutional racism. She’s disgusting.”

Howard Beckett deleted the tweet
Mr Beckett later deleted this tweet about the Home Secretary

Ms Patel was born in London to Indo-Ugandan parents who emigrated to the UK in the 1960s, just before Idi Amin’s decision to deport all Asians.

Mr Beckett, who was appointed to Labor’s ruling National Executive Committee last year, initially appeared to defend his tweet amid the anger of other Twitter users.

After a user questioned where the Unite candidate thought Ms Patel should be kicked out, Mr Beckett said: “Read the tweet. This is to refer to the racist agenda of Conservative policies . To say that there should be no place for racists in society. “

But Mr Beckett then deleted his original tweet and apologized.

“I am very sorry for my previous tweet. I was angry to see Muslim refugees expelled on the morning of Eid Al Fitr,” he said.

A Tory source said: “We look forward to Labor’s swift condemnation of this vile racism.”

Sky News understands that Mr Beckett has since been reported to police for a hate crime.

Mr. Beckett is standing to replace Unite’s …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-13 20:44:00