UK News

COVID-19: Glasgow and Moray to Remain Level 3 Amid New Cases Linked to Indian Variant | UK News

Glasgow and Moray will remain at Level 3 amid fears that a new outbreak of COVID-19 cases in Scotland is caused by the Indian variant of the virus.

Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday those areas would remain at Level 3 of Scotland’s five-tier coronavirus restriction system for a week until a new decision is made at the end of next week.

She said the situation in Glasgow was even more worrying than Moray, with initial research suggesting the outbreak could be due to the Indian variant.

It comes as the rest of Scotland drops to Level 2 restrictions on Monday, meaning cinemas, theaters, concert halls and stadiums can open in the rest of the country, but not in Glasgow and Moray .

Some things you can do at level 3:

  • meet in groups of up to six of two households in an indoor public place such as a cafe, pub or restaurant
  • you can get together in groups of up to six from six households outdoors, in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of ​​a cafe
  • children under 12 do not count in the total number of people or households meeting outdoors but do count in the number of households indoors
  • you can travel anywhere in Scotland and stay in holiday accommodation – but you shouldn’t stay in someone else’s house

At level 2, you can meet socially in groups of up to:

  • six people from three households in your house or theirs – and can stay overnight
  • six people from three households in an indoor public place such as a cafe, pub or restaurant
  • eight people from eight households outside

Glasgow has now passed Moray as a coronavirus hotspot in Scotland, with an epidemiologist warning the country is experiencing a ‘loss of control’ from the pandemic in some areas.

Figures released on Friday showed there were 80.4 cases per 100,000 population in Glasgow in the seven days leading up to May 11 – overtaking Moray where there were 68.9.

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The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicola …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-14 15:41:00