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COVID-19: Indian variant of coronavirus could cause ‘serious disruption’ to easing lockdown in June, PM says | UK News

India’s variant of COVID could cause “serious disruption” to the planned roadmap outside of the lockdown in June, the prime minister said.

Speaking at a press conference in Downing Street, Boris Johnson say it coronavirus The tension could delay the fourth stage of the June 21 easing of the lockout – although Monday’s easing continues.

“I have to say with you that this new variant could seriously disrupt our progress and make it more difficult to move to the fourth stage in June,” he said.

But he said it depended on how quickly the virus could spread – which scientists need more time to determine.

“Difficult choices” may have to be made if it is much more transferable than previous variants, he added.

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There could be delays in easing the lockdown

At the same time, government science advisers have said that there is a “realistic possibility” that the new variant is “50% more transmissible“than the one that emerged in Kent at the end of last year.

England Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said: ‘We expect that over time this variant will overtake and eventually dominate in the UK in the same way that B.1.1.7 took over. and that other variants have taken over before that. “

The warnings come as Mr Johnson has announced plans to speed up second-dose vaccinations for people in priority groups due to concern over the Indian variant.

He said, “We will be ramping up the remaining second doses for those over 50 and clinically vulnerable people across the country, so these doses come just eight weeks after the first dose.

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Striking a more optimistic tone, Mr Johnson said there was “no evidence” to suggest that the vaccines currently in use would be less effective against the B.1.617.2 strain first found in India.

But he…

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This notice was published: 2021-05-14 14:43:00