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Rishi Sunak to spend money to get Britain moving | UK | New UK News

Chancellor Rishi Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak (Image: Lee Smith – WPA Pool / Getty)

And he predicted a “windfall of green jobs” in Britain’s former industrial centers thanks to the government’s billions of pounds of investment in wind power, carbon capture technology and other sources of energy. clean energy. Mr Sunak spoke to the Daily Express on a visit to Humberside to see for himself how jobs and apprenticeships are developing in green technologies thanks to the billions of pounds of investment from the Treasury.

While visiting a Siemens Gamesa factory in Hull, the Chancellor inspected 82-foot-long wind turbine blades destined for the vast Hornsea wind farm in the North Sea.

He said: “I am very confident about our future as I can see that post-Brexit Britain is full of opportunities and we are taking advantage of them.

“This government is getting things done. We have completed Brexit and now we continue to make progress across the country.

“We’re opening up opportunities at places like this, Humberside, with thousands of new jobs being created in a new industry as part of a green industrial revolution.

“This is the kind of hope and opportunity that I want people to feel wherever they are in the UK.

“I am convinced that we are already getting there, but there is a lot more to come and people can look forward to a better future.”

The Chancellor spoke during a break in his tour of the factory, which employs more than 1,000 people. His visit was organized to highlight how the government is preparing to host the UN climate change summit at COP26 in November for world leaders.

He also anticipated the reopening of indoor reception areas and other businesses on Monday in the latest step in easing lockdown measures.

The Chancellor said his package of more than £ 200 billion in Treasury aid meant businesses were ready to open up.

He said, “We made a conscious decision a year ago when we put in place our plan to protect people’s jobs, to protect businesses and revenues.

“It means when we get to that point where we can reopen, businesses are really there to reopen.

“Because of the leave program, people are still attached to a job and can come back to work.

“And because we’ve protected people’s incomes, we’ve seen a huge amount of savings build up in the economy.

“I hope people can soon start doing the things they love with their friends again, going out safely and sensibly.”

“In doing so, it will be good for our economic recovery.”

Mr Sunak was supported by official data this week showing economic growth of 2.1% in March.

There was also evidence that the winter lockdown caused less slowdown than expected by the Fiscal Responsibility Oversight Office.

He added: “I feel cautiously optimistic. The numbers we received this week showed that the economy is on the right track and, crucially, it shows that our jobs plan is working.


Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak visits Siemens Gamesa blade factory in Hull (Image: Andy Commins)

“I am happy about this because a year ago I put in place a plan to protect people’s jobs and incomes and to protect businesses so that when we get to this point, when we are in able to open up, we can recover strongly.

“Our plan is working. We protected the incomes, we allowed them to save money. As we reopen, they will be able to spend to help the recovery.

“Businesses have accumulated savings and we haven’t seen a lot of businesses fail as some feared.

“And we created the super deduction, a huge tax cut to encourage businesses to invest.

“This is an example of a company here that will be able to take advantage of it next year to expand its factory. So our plan is working and I am obviously optimistic about the future. “

Mr. Sunak pledged that the government’s “green industrial revolution” can build the economy of the future.

He said: “I look forward to a godsend of green jobs.” He spoke of investing in clean energy projects in the northeast and plans for a “freeport” business zone on Humberside.

He added, “Wind turbines are in the sea, but they have to be made somewhere and made there here in Humberside, or in Teesside.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak (Image: Andy Commins)

“These new industries, whether it’s offshore wind, carbon capture and storage, or hydrogen, are all industries that work very well here and throughout the northeast. .

“It’s fantastic. There is a strong manufacturing heritage in these areas – they have the expertise, they have a skilled workforce, all locally trained.

“It shows what is possible. We have the talent and dynamism of our workforce here in Britain and we have regions like Teesside and Humberside that are perfectly placed to build these things, export them or do carbon capture and storage.

“We need to seize the initiative now and that’s what the government is doing – it’s supporting these industries with investments, free port status, more money for research and development, and that’s what’s going to happen. help create jobs. Mr Sunak predicted that investing in green technologies will transform the former industrial centers of the UK.

He said: “If you think, these were some of our manufacturing hearts in the past and now they are looking forward to a greener future.

“Some industries that we once had, like steel and others, are now seeing massive growth in carbon capture and hydrogen or offshore wind.

“It is perfectly possible to reinvent yourself as a region that is moving forward, to see where the jobs of the future are, to make sure you are ready to take advantage with the support of the government, to do the right thing. and invest in what is good. places.

“We are already seeing the benefits, but we will see more in the next few years.”

Responding to the Daily Express’s Green Britain crusade, he pledged the government would support households and businesses that switch to low- or zero-carbon technology, like electric cars.

The Chancellor declined to comment on the Daily Express’s call for zero VAT on goods and services that produce zero carbon emissions.

But he insisted the government was determined to use incentives to encourage people to switch to cleaner technologies such as electric vehicles.

Mr. Sunak said, “I have to give the same answer to any tax-related question, so don’t take it personally. But you’re right to ask what we’re doing to help people make the transition.

“Over time we will switch to electric vehicles, so what is the government doing? He invests in industry to help them set up new factories to build cheaper vehicles.

“We are also helping people make the transition with car subsidies of up to £ 2,500 when people buy electric vehicles, and we are funding the deployment of the charging network.”

Mr. Sunak added, “We are an amazing, scientific and innovative country that has created so many different things.

“This is what we are doing again. And all scientists and engineers are wondering how to make these things cheaper.

“That’s what innovation and science can do and you see it here, which is great. So I am very optimistic.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-15 05:01:00