UK News

COVID-19: Decide whether or not you want to travel to Orange List countries, says Minister | Political news

The decision to travel to Orange List countries is a “personal responsibility,” a minister said.

But Skills Minister Gillian Keegan echoed the Prime Minister’s warning yesterday that they are “not somewhere you should go on vacation”.

Thousands of people have would have traveled to destinations on the Amber List since the ban on holidays abroad was lifted on Monday.

More than 150 flights are said to have left on Monday to countries such as France, Greece, Spain and the United States.

Amid confusion over the government’s position on the holidays, Boris Johnson said yesterday that travel to Orange List countries must be for “an urgent family reason or an urgent business reason”.

Asked this morning about travel to Orange List countries, Ms Keegan told Sky News: “This is the time for careful personal responsibility … The British public have been amazing both in getting the vaccine and … to adhere to all lockout rules … But … this first step is the first step in the next leg of the journey. And we think this is the right step. “

On the orange list, she added: “These are government guidelines. We have not legislated to ban people from going on vacation.

“And, as with a lot of those things we’ve had throughout the pandemic, it was about really relying on the UK general public to be sane and look at the advice we put in place and make their own decisions. . “

But she warned: “We wouldn’t advise going on vacation to Orange List countries.”

When asked on Tuesday why the government the day before had dropped the £ 5,000 fines for people going on holiday to Orange List countries, the Prime Minister’s spokesman said England was moving to a different stage of the epidemic, in which people should take personal responsibility for their actions.

The spokesperson said: “We are working with the travel industry and others on this. We all have a personal responsibility to protect each other …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-19 06:24:00