UK News

Boris Johnson slammed ‘completely chaotic’ travel system as Heathrow descended into chaos | UK | New UK News

The accusation comes after photos of crowded arrival halls at Heathrow emerged, where passengers from Red, Orange and Green List countries were forced to queue together without any social distancing measures. An image obtained by iNews shows passengers arriving from countries on the Red and Orange list queuing at immigration a few meters from each other. Lucy Moreton, a professional officer at the Immigration Service Union, told the outlet: “There is virtually no social distancing.

“It’s a very common scene at our airports.”

She added: “All the passengers, regardless of the country, get mixed up.

“It’s the same at other airports like Manchester and Gatwick.”

The chaotic scenes at Heathrow, where only Terminals 2 and 5 are open, were blasted by the Shadow Home Secretary.

Nick Thomas-Symonds, of Labor, told iNews: “Tory ministers are overseeing an utterly chaotic travel system that recklessly increases the risk of other variants reaching the UK.”

In a subsequent tweet, he criticized the government’s general policy on international travel during the Covid crisis.

He said: “Time and again in the Labor Party we have advocated for a comprehensive hotel quarantine system for all international arrivals to guard against new variations.

“It is the Conservative government’s inability to listen and act that has left us in this deeply disturbing place.”

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However, Ed Conway, economics and data editor for Sky News, conducted his own analysis of the government numbers and came to the opposite conclusion.

He wrote: ‘Between March 25 and April 7, around 5.1% of passengers coming from India to the UK tested positive for Covid-19, not far below the level of 6.2% recorded by passengers from Pakistan, and comfortably higher than the 3.7 percent of passengers from Bangladesh.

“And far from being three times higher than in India, the Covid positivity rate in Pakistan was only slightly higher than that in India; the rate of passengers from Bangladesh was considerably lower than those from India.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-20 05:49:15