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Brexit: EU nationals furious at treatment upon arrival in Britain | UK | New UK News

They are furious to have border controls imposed on them when they enter Britain. Some said they feared they would be denied entry and that UK border force officials would treat them harshly. A Spanish airline employee said he was detained at Gatwick Airport for 45 minutes.

He told the Guardian: “My passport was not associated with settlement status.

“When I told them it was because I had applied using my ID card which was perfectly acceptable to the Home Office, they told me ID cards are not more acceptable at the border. “

He was forced to show his airline ID and flight attendant schedule to enter the UK.

He added: “Due to my job, I have flown to many destinations and have undergone border checks in different countries.

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“I felt I had landed in a random enemy state.

“This is the first time that I have felt intimidated by a police officer asking me questions just because I am a foreigner living in the UK.”

A German national has been detained at Heathrow Airport despite proof of his UK settlement status.

The German national has an unlimited residence permit in the UK and his UK passport was en route.

He told the newspaper: “I have established status.

“I have permission to stay for an indefinite period.

“I am about to become a British citizen.

“How come a border officer with just one check mark can suspend these rights?”

The German national added: ‘To be frank, I avoid coming back to the UK now until I get my UK passport.

“I pay a big tax there, I never used the health service, I contribute to the economy, I own it.

“London is my favorite city in the world, but I don’t have any documents proving that I can stay there.”

He complained that the UK government should give EU citizens a residence card to show employers, landlords or border officials.

Wolfgang said: “They have to provide a document guaranteeing that this is an irrevocable status unless you have some sort of major criminal offense.”

Hilary Benn, of Labor, said 4.9 million EU citizens who have already been allowed to settle could face challenges when they return to the UK.

Mr Benn said: “It is disturbing to hear these incidents happening.

“The Interior Ministry must ensure that all border force personnel are fully trained in the application of the new rules.”

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This notice was published: 2021-05-24 14:21:01