
Fears of missing Sofia Salvato and Emmie Hunt in Brighton Brighton News

Concerns have been raised over two missing girls who are believed to be together.

Sofia Salvato and Emmie Hunt disappeared from their home on Saturday.

They were seen in Brighton city center early last night.

The police are concerned for his well-being and vulnerability.

In a statement, police said: ‘Brighton Police are looking for two missing 12-year-old girls who are believed to be together.

Sofia Salvato and Emmie Hunt left and right in the photo have both been missing from their homes since Saturday May 22 and were last seen in the city center early Saturday evening.

“Both are described as white. Sofia is 5’3” tall, slender, blue-eyed, and wore gray leggings, black sneakers, a black coat, long black hair. She was wearing a black backpack.

“Emmie is 5’7″, slender build with long brown hair, and wore black leggings, a white Nike cropped top and a black puffer jacket with a fur lined hood. She was carrying a black bag. ”

Their well-being is of concern due to their age and vulnerability. Anyone who has seen them or has other information on their whereabouts is urged to immediately contact police on 999 or 101, citing serial number 1326 of 05/22.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-23 12:19:45